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Buffalo 63rd Anniversary Sales  超热门的雅登系列终于回归啦!并且拥有超值优惠 还能买了再买! ⁣ 这是真的!!雅登系列! 5层复合金厚釜牛头钢 3段式呼吸气节头(牛头牌独家专利)⁣ 珍珠抛光,抗磨耐刷⁣ 无涂层,好清洗⁣ ⁣ 而且所有产品采用不锈钢制成,保养起来也非常容易~喜欢的牛迷们千万别错过这次的优惠!听说很快就卖断货了哦~⁣ 购买任何雅登系列的锅即可免费获送一个价值RM188不锈钢蒸盘和一套价值RM236 不锈钢保温杯哦   记住 千万 千万 千万 别错过哦~👀 来一个电话订购您喜爱的配套吧👐

While Stock Last !

WHILE STOCK LAST!!! Grab your favourite colour of Buffalo soup thermos now! While the stock is limited, therefore we not to forget with the promotion price we offered❤ Cute and Easy to bring with you anywhere right? What you're waiting for? Give us a call and the container will be yours😉

牛头牌百安思 Ban's“保温食物罐

 还在用外面的打包盒装食物吗? 牛头牌所代理的品牌"百安思 Ban's“保温食物罐,食品级的304不锈钢材质,没有化学成分,健康安全,绝对安心让你家人使用。 ✖️人挤人买食物 ✖️扎堆吃饭 ✔️减少聚集 ✔️自己带饭更安心 ✔️750ml 单买一个(黑紫 / 红 色) 东马 RM143  购买一套(一个黑紫 + 一个红色) 东马 RM188  我们一起环保吧!带自己的便当盒,一起照顾我们唯一的地球吧! Lets go green together by bringing your own lunch box! Miri Buffalo Cookware Studio 📞enquiry /order/appointment 询问/预约/订购@0198099799 or 085422125☎️ 🌈Self pick up 🌈Miri area🚚 delivery to your door step

【牛头牌IH Smart Cooker开放预购 + 送超实用礼物 🔥】

【牛头牌IH Smart Cooker开放预购 + 送超实用礼物 🔥】 因为这次的疫情,相信各位粉丝们对健康饮食的关注度也越来越高。您知道吗?若锅具的内胆涂层脱落,不仅会影响米饭和食物的营养,其有毒物质还会威胁到身体健康,长期使用易致癌。 牛头牌1.8L IH Smart Cooker,采用无涂层304不锈钢,可与食材安心接触。 ✅ 耐刷洗 ✅ 不易粘锅 ✅ 坚固耐用 ✅ 永久如新 现已开放限量预购  🔥  免费赠送超实用 Stainless Steel Food Jar   ✅ 能够保温食物长达6小时、保冷长达12小时! 这千载难逢的机会实在是不能错过!快快来和我们订购吧! *订单将在六月发货 # Buffalo牛头牌   # IHSmartCooker ➜➜➜现在只需要RM998(西马) RM1058(东马) 可以拿到免费的 Stainless Steel Food Jar (RM238)  🔺当然如果您只要购买 Stainless Steel Food Jar 也可以的哦~ 只需 RM 238 就可以得到可爱满美的午餐盒🔻

厨神返场‼️ Pro Chef Pre order!!

好消息 ‼️  缺货已久的牛头牌厨神Pro Chef Plus「终于返场」啦~ 现已开放「限量抢购」! Pro Chef Plus 除了是相对健康的选择,还具有翻炒功能!它拥有 ✅  自动旋转内锅 ✅  左右倾斜功能 让您不用亲自下手,也能炒出各种美味的菜肴! 是市面上唯一一款具有炒,煎,煮,烘,烤, 焖,炸的多功能空气气炸锅。 有兴趣的想要抢先预定的快快联络我们吧! 存货有限,速度要快哦! 可免费邮寄送上门。 可whatsapp与我们预定 *PRE-ORDER*BUFFALO PRO CHEF PLUS(AIR FRYER) Rm998 ❌ Rm779 ✅ 🔥 🔥 NOW(preorder) PLEASE TAKE NOTED THIS IS PRE ORDER PRODUCT, 1ST COME 1ST SERVE All in one Multifunction Cooking – Fry ,Bake ,Grill,stir fry,Roast,pizza Transparent Cover-to monitor the cooking process Auto Rotating function -Resulting in even heat distribution 360″rolling heating technology-Unique turbo heating technology to generate super fast heated air to fry your food with little or no oil.the unique titled rotating pot does the cooking evenly like stir fry effect. ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ inner pot stainless steel 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 📞 ☎️ PRE-ORDER*BUFFALO PRO CHEF PLUS(AIR FRYER) whatsapp Any inq...


WHO DOESN'T LIKE FLASH SALE AT THIS MOMENT? Crazy Flash Sale has arrived! Grab your chance to have splendid kitchen tools during this MCO time and prepare a delicious scrumptious healthy food for your loving family😍💕 Don't miss out the deal because it is only valid for certain dates for this promotion!  Any inquiry/order/appointment you can simply make a call to us   0198099799 or 085422125  ☎️ \ Knife Sharpener is the most famous kitchenware among us mothers so that we don't need to buy more knife and left our home knife dull😆💕 Book it now so everything will complete in the kitchen and make your kitchen more life living! Don't miss out the superstars on the date that has been set! Kindly preorder your buffalo kitchenware for above date 21/5-11/6 in advance due to limited stock!😀 

牛头牌MIX & MATCH 优惠!节省高达RM1067!

【牛头牌MIX & MATCH 优惠!节省高达RM1067!  🔥 】 无论想要炒锅、炖锅、快锅或是破壁机,牛头牌1+1优惠都可以让你以更低价买得到这些热卖商品~ 此外,还有超值的PWP商品,最低只从RM38起~ 现在只需在向我们订购, 📞 我们就可以邮寄送上门 🎁   赶快行动吧~ 💓以上是我们的Facebook的link可以like and click 可看到 我们更多更新的Promotion

Mom's basic kitchen knowledge (Part 1)

❤️ ❤️❤️❤️Over 60 years every moms should knows this kitchen basic knowledge in order to prepare and ways to preserve a good meals❤️❤️❤️ Add some salt to avoid egg cracking into the boiling water Cut the fish with lines and let it fried until 8 minutes and flip the other side to avoid the fish stick on your pan  The left over water when you finish wash the rice can be use to wash face, watering flowers 

Big Deals

⭐️ BIG DEALS ⭐️ IH Smart Cooker ⭐️ Multi function rice cooker ⭐️ Easy way to cook AND  Save time ! 现今社会的人一日三餐都与白饭有接触。如何能煲出美味又有营养的米饭,成为了现在大部分家庭都在烦恼的问题。新一代万能锅,能够自行调时间与温度,而焖,炖和煲功能则可以全自动烹调,特别方便易操作。马上莅临我们店面,了解更多详情哦! For more enquires and order just call us 📞  or 085422125  Feel free to visit our facebook page for more updates and upcoming promotion!